Thursday, April 27, 2017

First Time Jitters

I don't think it's a secret that I've had a long time love for photography.  When I was young I would save up all my babysitting money, head up to Otto Drug and buy as many disposable cameras as I possibly could.  I'd take pictures of anything and everything. In high school, the class I enjoyed most was photography.  While the smell of the dark room was a bit overwhelming, it was something I loved because I knew I'd soon get to see the results of my work.  Obviously this was all before the age of digital photography and I fear that I'm completely aging myself. YIKES!
Fast forward:   My sweet kiddos really brought out my love for photography again after putting down the camera for so many years.  The last few years I've enjoyed taking pictures of everything from my fav outfits, delicious (and at times, beautiful) food I've created and of course, my family.   About a year ago, I purchased a new camera and took my time learning about it.  I feel like photography is something you never know everything about and it's fun to keep learning something new all the time and with each experience.
My youngest is headed to Kindergarten in the fall and I've been incredibly blessed as a stay at home mom.  I dread sending her off, but at the same time I'm excited to spend more time doing things that I enjoy doing outside of being "mom."  One of those things being photography.  (Trying to focus on the silver lining while part of me dies thinking of sending her off on her first day. #momlife)
It was an easy choice to put myself out there, but extremely hard to do.  Will anyone give me a chance?  Am I good enough?  Like many, I have a fear of failure.  A BIG fear of failure.  However, as I get older and wiser, little by little my fear is taken over by a few things.  A. Not worrying so much about what others think.  B. Comparison is the devil and it made me fear I wasn't good enough to give myself a shot.  I had to stop comparing myself to people who have been doing this professionally for years!  It was killing me.  It took a friend of mine to point that out to me. Finally, C. To escape fear, I have to go through it.  NOT around it.  Growth doesn't happen by staying in my safe zone.  So, I did it.  I put myself out there and thankfully, the response was so positive!  I'm extremely grateful to the friends and family that have been so encouraging.

Soon, I had booked my first job!  YES!  The star of the show being Makena, a two year old birthday girl and her big brother and sister.  I arrived to the location a bit early to look around again (I had been there about a week before to look at lighting, outbuildings, etc) and found myself so nervous that my tummy was doing flip flops!  I had hoped that when they arrived my nerves would calm and my confidence would come back.
Sarah pulled up with her kiddos and I realized I wasn't the only nervous one there.  In fact, there was only ONE person who was more nervous than me and that was sweet little Makena!  I forgot how wary of others two year olds can be at times!  That alone was enough to calm me down.  If I didn't have confidence in myself, how was this little one going to be comfortable around me?
As time went on and she saw the older kids were cool with me, Makena started to come around.  Not enough to actually look at me and give me a smile when the camera was out but enough to let me hold her hand on the dock and by the beach.  That was enough for me!  This girl was gonna make me work for my pictures!  HA! 
I learned a few lessons that day.  You can't completely plan your photoshoot.  (Candid shots are my favs anyway!)  Never underestimate a two year old, (which I knew after having two of my own but it was a good reminder!) and lastly, unplanned can work out pretty wonderfully as well.  A gorgeous day and those beautiful baby blues totally worked in my favor!

Photographing Makena and her older sister and brother was a complete joy and so much fun.  We ended the session playing down by the beach.  It was great!  Here are a few (and by a few I really mean, like, a dozen ) of my favs from my session with Makena and her crew...

Little Miss M obviously had the most fun once she could get her tiny tootsies in the sand!
Again, I had so much fun doing this and I couldn't be more thankful for this family for giving me an opportunity to photograph their adorable trio.
I hope you all enjoyed the pics!


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