Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Like years past, I'm happily hosting Thanksgiving for my parents.  Both have retired this year, but in the previous years, my mom always had to work Thanksgiving Day so when I offered to do all the cooking they excitedly accepted our invitation. I wouldn't have it any other way, and Thanksgiving is quickly becoming one of my fav holidays.  I love being able to stay home and cook for them, after years of having provided such a wonderful Thanksgiving meal for our family growing up, my mom certainly deserves a break.  My kids love having the special time with Grandma and Grandpa, and I really do appreciate this time with my parents.  After all, Thanksgiving is about being thankful, and who better to spend that time with?
Whether you're having 6 people or 36 people, planning ahead is key.  Everyone likes to relax on Thanksgiving, so I do what I can before hand to make the actual holiday a breeze. Make as much as you can ahead of time and set in crockpots or just reheat in the oven.  I'm making the potatoes ahead to reheat in the oven, the pie, and I'm also throwing together a delicious swiss veggie bake that I can just throw in the oven when it's go time. I will NEVER (I repeat, NEVER) make the turkey ahead of time.  The "Thanksgiving smell" is part of what I love the most about Thanksgiving! (after family time, food and wine, of course)  Most potatoes, casseroles and desserts can all be made ahead and will give you more time with those you love best!
I also put together a very simple, yet pretty tablescape.
 Want to know the best part?  It was VERY inexpensive to do. I just used a few things I had around the house to start. To add a bit to it, Target sells wine glasses for about $5 per box, so I snatched up some of those along with a box of bulbs in the Christmas section.  (While I normally shake my head that they can't at least wait until after Thanksgiving to throw all the Christmas décor in our face, it does come in handy now and then...) I planned to put a pillar candle on the top of each glass, but when I opened the bulbs up and saw the pretty gold snowflakes, I just knew that was the new route I was gonna take.  After all... gold AND sparkly?  That's a no brainer!
It was bitter cold yesterday and the roads were slick.  I printed out some turkeys, pumpkins, etc.  I sat out some crayons and my kids went to town with coloring and creating placemats for our family, Grandma and Grandpa.  They turned out perfect! I took them in to get them laminated and the girls are SO excited to have such a big part in setting our Thanksgiving table.  I just know they will be the stars of the show and I can't wait to bring them to the table in the years to come.

Whether you are hosting or you are a guest this year, I hope you're Thanksgiving is full of good food, fun and those you love. Be thankful for all your blessings. Cheers!

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