Thursday, April 28, 2016

Three Cheers for TTPDA!

False Eyelashes. Costumes. Tap Shoes.  Ballet Shoes.  Rhinestones. Hair Spray.  Big Smiles.  Supportive Moms.  Encouraging Friends.

What do all these things have in common?  They were found in abundance at the Chanhassen Performing Arts Center, through the front doors, down the hall and behind the last door on the left...  To The Pointe! Dance Academy's dressing room for the Encore Dance Competition. As first timers to this amazing world of dance competition, I noticed so many cool things right when I walked through the dressing room door.  Suitcases that dubbed as closets, garment bags with compartments for all the extras needed for each costume, extra tights, lashes, jewels.  Best of all, I noticed warm, welcoming smiles from the "been there, done that" dance moms, who all seemed WAY more together than me and helped calm my jitters.

First up was ballet.  I helped my Sweet Girl into her costume, put finishing touches on make-up and hair, and gave that sweet face a kiss.  I told her that she knows the dance, that I'm so proud of all her hard work and that this is all meant to be fun.  More than anything, I wanted her to have fun.
I let her go with her group to practice and ran to the seats to meet up with my husband and our Little One to await her arrival on stage. 
Our group was called and all those tiny dancers walked out on stage and gave it their all.  Their dance was to Once Upon A December and it was choreographed perfectly by my Sweet Girl's dance teacher, Ms. Kris.  Ms. Kris is 100% AMAZING... from the beautiful dances she choreographs, (she was recognized for her hard work and talent with the well-deserved Best Choreography award at the awards ceremony) to the way she patiently teaches so many giggly girls their dances. 
One of the many things I love about To The Pointe! Dance Academy is  that they are always tasteful.  The dances, the song choices, the costumes.  Everything is done with class.  As a mother of a young girl (who like most young girls, look up to their older peers) this is something that makes me so happy.  She could cheer for her mentors, her babysitter, her neighbor... and I knew their costumes would be tasteful, their dancing and songs would be appropriate.
As soon as her first dance was over, I ran back to greet her in the dressing room.  ALL those girls came off stage with the biggest, proudest smiles!  It helped that the very girls they look up to and admire were giving them high fives and telling them what an amazing job they did!
We helped them with a quick costume change, watched their tap routine to Lollypop (Which seriously couldn't have been cuter) and then enjoyed a well-deserved snack and break.  My Sweet Girl was reunited with her Daddy and her sissy for some pictures and hugs and then after they went home we enjoyed some "big girl" time.  Just the two of us.  We got to check out all the older girls' routines while we waited for the awards ceremony.
To The Pointe! Dance Academy had such a wonderful presence at the competition and all groups did such a wonderful job!  My sweetie took home High Gold for both ballet and tap and then placed 5th all around for their Once Upon A December routine.
The rest of To The Pointe! Dance Academy's well-deserved awards are as follows:
Production – Platinum, 1st place and Outstanding Choreography Award (CONGRATS to Ms Kris on an amazing accomplishment – you deserve this! Special thanks to Miss Allie for all of your help with the practices and adding the musicality piece!)
Platinum Elite – Ultra high golds (3), high gold (1), finalist
Tribute – Platinum, ultra high gold (2), finalist, 1st place, overall high score for senior category
Acclaim – Platinum, ultra high gold, high gold, finalist
Heaven – Ultra high gold, high gold (2), 1st place
Amaze – Platinum (2), high gold, finalist, 1st place, Crowd Pleaser Award (jazz), Judge’s Choice (tap) and paid Nationals bid to Dallas or Las Vegas
Encore – Platinum, ultra high gold (2), finalist, 1st place, overall high score for junior category
Harmony – High gold (2), gold, finalist
Escalate – Ultra high gold, high gold (2), finalist
Spirit – High gold (3), finalist
Praise – High gold (2), finalist – great job at your first competition!
Admire – High gold
Soul – High gold, finalist
Bravo – High gold, finalist
Faith – High gold (2), gold, finalist
Solos, Duets, Trios:
Alison - High gold, finalist
Katelyn W - gold
Katelyn F - Gold, finalist
Sophia – High gold, finalist and recipient of National Scholarship to Dallas or Las Vegas to compete for Encore Performer of the Year
Lana – Ultra high gold and finalist
Erika – High gold
Skyler – Ultra high gold, 1st place and recipient of National Scholarship to Dallas or Las Vegas to compete for Encore Performer of the Year
Allie – Gold
McKenzie and Sydney – High gold and finalist
Abby, Taylor, Olivia – High gold and finalist
Avery and Lana – Ultra high gold and finalist
Ashlyn, Charlotte and Leo – Ultra high gold and finalist
Evie and Ashley – Ultra high gold
Reagan and Abbi – Ultra high gold and 1st place
Laura and Alysha – Gold
Anna and Emilee – Ultra high gold and 1st place

Here are some pictures from the big day!
Tiny Dancer

Me and my Sweet Girl

A trio of cuties

The crew

Lunch break with Daddy & Little One

Biggest Fan.  She looks up to her sister so much!

To The Pointe! Dance Academy's Spring recital will be held the weekend of May 13-15th at the New Prague High School.  For more information regarding the upcoming show or classes, please check out their website at or email them at

1 comment:

  1. This made me have such a HUGE smile! So glad you enjoyed your first (of many I hope) dance competitions!
