Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Strawberry White Chocolate Chip Scones

I'm not gonna lie to you... these scones are totally drool worthy.  Plus, they're made with buttermilk, which in my humble opinion, make any scone or muffin ten times better. Plus, they have a delicious icing... yeah.  You must make them.
Now that school is out and our morning aren't so rushed, it's a bit easier to plan some yummy breakfasts.  This one tops the list!  With fresh strawberries and white chocolate chips, they're pretty much irresistible.  I made these scones over the weekend because by some twisted turn of events, I was up way before my children. I just couldn't sleep!  That's the worst... laying in bed.  Thinking. Thinking.  Thinking.  Then... SCONES!  I hopped up from under the covers and headed downstairs, praying I had all the ingredients.  I had a big carton of fresh strawberries from Costco and then when I went to the freezer to check if I had flour, (yes, I'm the weirdo that keeps flour in the freezer) I noticed a half a bag of white chocolate chips and decided to throw them into the scones as well.  It certainly wasn't my worst idea ever!
These don't take long to throw together, and bake up pretty quickly.  By the time the smell of fresh baked scones drifts throughout your home, everyone (even your pickiest child... ahem, I'm talking to my youngest) will be gathered around the kitchen ready to gobble up breakfast. I let them cool for about 10 minutes, tops.  Because warm, fresh scones are where it's at!!

Strawberry White Chocolate Chip Scones

*2 cups of flour
*1/2 cup sugar
*2.5 teas baking powder
*1/2 teas cinnamon
*1/2 teas salt
*1/2 cup/one stick of butter, SUPER cold (I stick mine in the freezer for 10-15 minutes or so while gathering ingredients and making my coffee)
*1/2 cup buttermilk
*one egg
*one teas vanilla extract
*1 cup of chopped strawberries (lay them between a few paper towels and gently press out a bit of the extra moisture.  If the berries are really juicy, they'll change the consistency of the batter and it may get to runny.)
*1/2 cup white chocolate chips
*some extra course sugar to top scones with

Preheat oven to 400. In a large bowl, whisk flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon & salt. Grate frozen butter or cut up into very small squares and combine with the flour mix using your fingers until it resembles coarse meal. Set aside.
In a smaller bowl, whisk egg, buttermilk, & vanilla. Add to the flour mix and combine using a spatula until all is moistened. Be careful not to over mix! Fold in strawberries and white chocolate chips.
Work dough into a ball with lightly floured hands and press into an 8" disk or into a round cake pan. Cut into 8 equal wedges. Sprinkle with some sugar and then bake for 20-25 minutes.



*one cup powdered sugar
*3 tbls heavy whipping cream
*1/4 teas vanilla extract

Whisk together until an icing forms and drizzle over hot scones.

Your husband, kids, parents, friends, etc. will absolutely LOVE these!  So will you.  In fact, I suggest you be the first to "taste test." You deserve it!

*you can follow me on IG or Pinterest @sarawuchko, and  on FB at Haute Dish Housewife https://www.facebook.com/hautedishhousewife for more recipe ideas, crafts/DIY, my style and giveaways.

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