Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Delectable Grilled Shrimp Boats

I hate to admit it, but I pretty much ate my way through the entire holiday weekend.  My birthday was on Saturday, and my husband and kiddos were so sweet and took me out to one of my very favorite restaurants for dinner and cake. To top it off, my three year old sat down and behaved the whole time AND there were no spills... celebrate! That in itself was quite a birthday gift for me.

By the time this morning rolled around and my handsome man went to work, I opened the fridge to make the kids breakfast and realized choices were limited.  VERY limited.  After spending the day running errands, getting groceries and stocking up on books at our local library, I still felt like a total blob. I could tell I was in need of something on the healthier side for dinner.  I decided to toss some shrimp on the grill and make grilled shrimp boats.

Don't they look absolutely DELICIOUS?  Mouthwatering grilled shrimp and chopped veggies, all on a crisp romaine lettuce boat... the perfect vehicle to get everything to my mouth ASAP!  (yes, I really did just say that) I put out a bowl of fresh pineapple slices and I have to say, it was heavenly.

Grilled Shrimp Boats

*one pound of large shrimp, peeled and deveined
*one green bell pepper, chopped
*one tomato, chopped
*one avocado, chopped
*1/4 red onion , diced
*handful of fresh cilantro, chopped
*juice of two limes
*salt and pepper
*Lawry's garlic salt
*two tbls olive oil
*6 large romaine lettuce leaves, rinsed and pat dry

Preheat your grill to medium high heat. Toss shrimp in olive oil and season with salt, pepper and a bit of garlic salt. Lay them out on a single layer on the hot grill.  Let them go for two minutes and then turn.  Let them go for another minute or two, remove from the grill and set aside to cool a bit.  Grab a large bowl and toss in your chopped pepper, tomato, avocado, onion and cilantro.  Cut shrimp into chunks and add to the veggies. Add the cilantro, lime juice and mix everything together.  Add a bit more salt and pepper and toss it all together.  Lay out the romaine lettuce "boats" and spoon shrimp and veggie mix onto the leaves. Now sit back and look at how pretty it all looks! Because honestly, they won't last very long. 

I've made these for a meal, but have also made a double batch and laid them out as an appetizer when we have friends or family over.  They are a big hit!  Even better?  You can chop all your veggies (except the avocado... I'd do that right before serving so the color stays bright green) and grill the shrimp ahead of time, store it all in bowls in the fridge and just throw it all together minutes before your guests arrive.  I LOVE entertaining with recipes that can be made ahead of time, don't you? 
Simple, beautiful and they taste incredible.  You DEFINITELY have to give these beauties a try!

*you can follow me on IG or Pinterest @sarawuchko, and  on FB at Haute Dish Housewife https://www.facebook.com/hautedishhousewife for more recipe ideas, crafts/DIY, my style and giveaways.

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