Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Our Treasure Hunt

Sometimes I feel like I'm grasping at straws when it come to fun activities to do with my girls at home. One of our favorites that I always seem to go back to a few times each season is what we refer to as our treasure hunt.  We "hunt" around the yard for new things happening. The kids never get bored of doing this.  In fact, every time I bring it up, I get jumps and high pitched squeals of approval.  Each kid gets a baggie with their name written on it to collect the things we can move, and then I bring a camera so we can take pictures to capture the items and happenings that we can't move.
This morning, I dropped my oldest off at school, looked at my youngest in the rear-view mirror and asked, "Wanna go on a treasure hunt?"  Cheers from the backseat made the next hour or so a breeze.

Today, our treasure hunt bag was filled with dandelions, "wishing flowers," a few super tall weeds, some tree bark, flower petals from off the ground and five or six rocks my Little One thought would be perfect for painting.  Little things, but they kept her busy and happy... and I love that.

The things that we found that couldn't be moved???  Those things were our very favorite.

Little One with her baggie for treasure and a wishing flower... she's ready for this!

Busy bee.

"It's beautiful, Mommy!"

A robin decided the kids play set would be a perfect spot to build a nest and lay eggs.  Looks like we'll be steering clear for awhile!

We have babies!  We've been checking on the other robin's nest in the bushes for weeks now, and FINALLY!  Tiny little babies.  Can't wait to see them with their little fuzzy feathers.

Painting rocks to pass time as Mommy cooks lunch.

What is your favorite, go-to activity to do with your kids?  One they just never get tired of?
Hope you enjoyed the beauty in the day, friends!

*you can follow me on IG or Pinterest @sarawuchko, and  on FB at Haute Dish Housewife for more recipe ideas, crafts/DIY, my style and giveaways.

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